NIP | Established at |
9551808493 | 2006-09-05 |
Korony Północnej 13A, 71-781 Szczecin, Poland
Implantology is a branch of dental surgery, which deals with locating, intraosseously or subperiosteally, artificial structures (implants) to solve the problem of partial or complete dentition loss as an alternative to traditional prosthetic methods. We try in our practice to solve most of cases, from single losses to the very toothlessness, by means of implant, a bicortical screw. The use of cortical parts of the bone tissue gives immediately a stable support for implant, this allowing next to make immediately a dental implantoprosthesis, i.e. crown or bridge.
Wizyty w gabinecie po wcześniejszej rejestracji telefonicznej 091/46 06 799, 0602 111 488 Zakres działalności: - implanty - chirurgia stomatologiczna - protetyka - leczenie kompleksowe Więcej informacji na stronie:
stomatolog,maria grotowska,dentysta,specjalistyczny gabinet,gabinet,grotowski
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